Dumbbell Rear Lunge

Exercise List / Leg

How to do :


Dumbbell Rear Lunge / Benefits

Many of the movements that work the same muscle group may look alike, but they focus on different parts of the muscles because they are at different angles. If you want to build better muscle specifically, keep in mind that it is more beneficial to include exercises that focus on different aspects to your training program.

  • Builds size and strength in quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Dumbbell rear lunge are one of the effective lower body exercises that completely improve leg strength, stability and balance. Dumbbell rear lunge target the quadriceps and hip muscles most intensely, but also hit the knee tendons, thighs and core.

  • Dumbbell rear lunge are an easy exercise for beginners to do. It can help strengthen leg muscles, tighten hip muscles and burn calories to lose weight.

  • It tightens the butt. Dumbbell rear lunges are one of the best exercises that can help you achieve a firmer and more toned butt by acting on the deepest gluteus muscles.

Muscles Worked

0 %
Target - Quadriceps
0 %
Synergists - Gluteus Maximus
0 %
Synergists - Adductor Magnus
0 %
Synergists - Soleus
0 %
Dynamic Stabilizers - Hamstrings