Decline Dumbbell Fly

Exercise List / chest

How to Dumbbell Decline Fly :


Decline Dumbbell Fly Benefits

  1. Decline dumbbell fly exercise targets the lower part of your pectoralis major muscles, which are found in your chest, but also strengthens your triceps, deltoids and biceps muscles.

  2. Decline dumbbell fly exercise will help you build fully defined lower chest. It is one of the best exercises to do if you want a pronounced and sharp chest muscle.

Decline Dumbbell Fly – Muscles Worked

0 %
Target - Pectoralis Major, Lower port
0 %
Synergists - Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
0 %
Synergists - Deltoid, Anterior
0 %
Synergists - Biceps Brachii
0 %
Stabilizers - Triceps