Dumbbell Row

Exercise / Back

How to do :


Benefits of Dumbbell Row

  • The dumbbell row is a effective exercise to strengthen and develop the musculature of the back. The one-arm dumbbell row is a unilateral exercise that builds the strength and size of the latissimus dorsi and improves the overall function of the shoulder joint. Training one arm at a time is the best way to ensure optimal focus on the target muscle, enhance fiber recruitment and overcome strength imbalances between the sides of your body.

Dumbbell Row– Muscles Worked

The Dumbbell Row targets the back muscles (lats, rhomboids, traps) with support from the rear shoulders, biceps, and core to enhance strength and stability.
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Target- Back, General
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Synergists - Trapezius, Middle
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Synergists - Rhomboids
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Synergists - Latissimus Dorsi
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Synergists - Teres Major